Thursday, May 14, 2009


Hope counting and naming our new fish.Trying to put mickey and nemo in the fish tank.Hope already has her Daddy wrap around her finger. She was talking to him the other day and he asked her what are your favorite things color, food, drink, animal... etc. That morning at that time she told him fish, it changes hourly but it was fish this time. So off they go to the pet store and I come home to this in our living room. It gets even better one of the started fish they got was prego so we now have 11 baby fish in our new fish tank. Don't get me wrong I love fish we had two salt water tanks at our old house they are just high maintenance so we have not taken on this project yet. Hope is a very happy girl with her new pets she love to feed then and watch them swim. She is not happy that they can't be "up" because she wants everything "up" in her arms.

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