Sunday, June 21, 2009

Hope's Imagination

A child's imagination is so special, I just love to hear all the ideas Hope comes up with. The pictures with my first baby (Aurora- 120 lbs American Bulldog) they were dressing up as a princess. Hope was trying her best to put off bath time because she knows what comes next, bed. I love that Aurora is so patients with Hope she lets her do anything and just gives her kisses in return. The duck picture is another story Hope has named these ducks after our family Daddy-blue, Mommy-pink and Hopey-yellow. She takes these duck everywhere bath, pool, car and as you see she feeds them. I love that she gave Daddy duck two smokeys Mommy one and Hopey half, too funny because Hope will eat a whole pack of those nasty things if I let her, she is always asking more smokeys.

1 comment:

Tara James said...

OK- the ducks just totally cracked me up!!!