Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Boo Boo

Hope got her first big cut on her head a few days before Christmas. Our sweet neighbors came over to bring Hope a Christmas present and she got over excited and was running in the house like a crazy little girl. She feel in the kitchen and hit her head on the rod iron chair leg, I picked her up quickly and did not even know she was bleeding till my Mom came in the room. Ryan ran graped the phone and called 9-1-1. I had not even looked at her head or wiped the blood off and he had the paramedics on the way. I told him we do not need an ambulance she is okay so he then told the 9-1-1 operator the have a room ready for us at Baylor Grapevine we will be there in 10 minutes I really thought he was going to ask for a police escort. I quickly told him we just need to go to wal-greens get some butterfly band-aids and we will be okay. I have some rx- ointment butterfly band-aids and barbie band-aids on the top and we are good, Hope was fine after a Popsicle but she did have a big bump to go with her Christmas dress this year.

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