Hope's first day at preschool was today. She meet her teachers and the other kids in the ladybug room with her. They only stayed for 1 hour today in the classroom with the teachers while the parents meet in the Chapel with the directer. I can't believe she was only at school 1 hour and her and Ella Claire were full of paint when we picked them up, not that I wasn't expecting that. I am so excited for her they have discovery (science class) art, music, spanish & chapel everyday. As far at the potty training goes she is 99.9% potty trained at the house w/o pants on so if bottoms were optional at school we would be good. She has been waking up with a dry pull up and going on the potty in the morning so thing are looking good. I still need prayers and any ideas that might help would be appreciated. Thursday is going to be her first full day at preschool she will be there from 9-2, I have no idea what I am going to do with myself.
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