Hope's birthday was on Tuesday the 2ND & Wednesday she brought donuts for her gymnastics friends so Thursday she wanted to have a party again. After she opened the garage door she ran for the picture tree & told me just like my birthday mommy take a picture. Her big birthday party with all her friends was coming up on Saturday so she just wanted a party everyday until then. I can't wait to post all the birthday pictures. She loved her party & that she got to be a part of choosing everything for it. What a big girl she has become.
Hope with her elephant trunkBlowing out her 3 candlesHope teaching Ryan the princess names.My sweet princess turned 3 on the 2nd of March. She had preschool that day & was shinning star so we could bring snacks. I let her plan the entire day down to the plates for her school, snacks, lunch every last detail. She was twirling with excitement while I tried to take her picture before school. On the way to school we stopped to pick up chicken biscuits from chick-fil-a for her classes am snack. She had a wonderful day at school & I came about 30 minutes early so her class could read the book she picked out Birthday Monsters by Sandra Boynton, sing her happy birthday then have the monster cookies & milk. After we left school Hope & I went to McDonald's with the daisy doll that was waiting in the car seat when she got out of school. Hope & I went to the Cakery next for a pinkalious cupcakes. For diner we meet Ryan & his parents at the Rainforest Cafe. While we waited for our table by the elephants Hope & I ran down to the candy store for a quick snack. After eating the waitress came out with a group to give Hope a dessert & sing Happy birthday she loved all the attention. We went home with a excited & sleepy 3 year old but after bath she had to open a few princess presents. I think she feel asleep a happy big 3 year old.
Hope's sweet friend Sailer had a "whooo needs boys" fancy valentine party for a few of girls. Sailer's Mommy knows how to throw a party so of course everything was fabulous down to the heart shaped pb&j. As most of you know Hope was so excited to dress up & dance her once upon a dream like the princess. The girls ate first them made cards & played with the only boy allowed, besides the girls super cute little bro's, mr. potato head. Hope then found some of Sailer's dress up outfits & made herself at home in the playroom. She had so much fun that she feel asleep in the car & sleep for 2.5 hours, that is great for Hope.